Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Okay, I need to get serious!

Yes, I realize that I say this often and then nothing really happens/changes. LOL I really do NEED to get serious about this weight loss thing though. I would love to have a treadmill or one of those ellipticals at home. It would be so much easier to use one at home rather than find child care to do it someplace else. With Michael working second shift he isn't home to keep them when I could actually find the time to go out. If I had one at home, I could set it in the living room so I could watch TV while I worked out. The kids could play in their rooms and with it sitting right there I would be guilted into doing it even if I didn't feel like it. LOL

1 comment:

SoCal Sal said...

I do the treadmill while watching the news. Some of the folks are not starting until the New Year on OAR. I’ll toss out the invite again. Come on down and well add you!