Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Summer is officially over. *sigh*

Well, it's back to work for me. Tomorrow is our first day back at school. That means we will be up at 5am everyday. Yuck!! I'm definitely not looking forward to getting up that early. The kids and I are going to have to get used to going to bed early as well as getting up early. Well.......earlier. They both are usually up pretty early anyway, but 5am is much earlier than usual for them.

I have to say though that I am ready for my kids to go back to school. I think they are tired of playing with each other. They are fighting constantly. It's driving me nuts.

How long until your kids go back to school?


Beth said...

My kids doesn't go back until August 9th. Hailey doesn't even go that day she just meets her teacher and comes back. Why do they do that? They just dropped us off and hoped for the best. So we have about 2 weeks to prepare.

Paige said...

Well, our first day with the kids is only a 2 hour day. It is county wide though. Even high school. I'm not sure why they do that. It's crazy though....that day.

Christy said...

5am? ewwwww.....

That right there is why I may homeschool my (future) children....not because I don't like the quality of public schools, but because I don't like the HOURS of public schools.....