Saturday, June 02, 2007

We start our incentive chart tomorrow.

I've come to a point where I can't take the 3 year old behavior anymore. Timeouts don't seem to be working alone so I've decided to try positive reinforcement. I've made a chart with all of our rules we want him to follow. He can earn stickers for following these rules. If he is put into timeout for not following them he gets a sad face. At the end of the week (I'm trying to think of a good reward for each day too) if he has more stickers than sad faces then he gets to go out with mommy or daddy for ice cream. It will be just him and whichever one of us he chooses. (Umm, Michael doesn't know the reward yet.) I just hope this works. I'm tired of yelling. It makes me feel like a bad mom. Something has to change and soon. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

1 comment:

Breazy said...

about a year ago I started a chore chart for my kids and their reward at the end of the week was certain privileges like tv time, computer time, phone time, ps2 time. My kids are older but it really worked. Now I don't have to use a chore chart because they do exactly what they are supposed to each day and I reward them with one of the above. There are also other rewards they get such as sleeping over at a friends or having a friend over, that kind of thing. It has made my kids look at things from a completely different perspective.

Let us know how it goes!