Sunday, February 18, 2007

Here we go again.

It is 4:25am and I am sitting in my living room very very sleepy. At approximately 3:30am I wake up to this crazy noise. I get up to see what it is. I find water shooting from my laundry room across the hallway hitting the wall. *sigh* This is a lot of water people. Both hallways are soaking (L shaped hall), it has gone under the wall into Joshua's room, it is halfway across the living room, and in the kitchen. Maintenance is here working on it now and the carpet people are on the way, but this only means that the kids are going to be up incredibly early with that noise and I'm not sure what we are going to do today. We really can't be here with that much floor wet plus the air dryers are going to make it cold in here. There are places we could go, but then the dog wouldn't be able to go. I don't want her here alone for 2 reasons. 1. She would freak out with th noise of the fans. 2. I hate not being able to let her out to potty. Well, I guess there are 3 reasons. 3. It is going to be cold in here and I don't want her cold. I don't know what we are going to do. I'm so tired I can't think straight.

Oh, and the water was going inside my dryer. Are the apartment people responsible for replacing it if it is ruined? If not, will renters insurance cover it?

UPDATE: Joshua got up as I was typing this and Michael took him to our room so maybe he will go back to sleep. Crossing my fingers.


Beth said...

Oh my goodness. I'm not sure about the dryer, never rented an apartment, but I would for sure talk to the manager about it. Hope things get better for yall.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie. So sorry to hear that. I have had that happen too. Jeez! Good luck dear.

Leesa said...

Oh wow...that sounds like something that would happen to me..
I feel for ya ;)