Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bad day for a teacher to be on a diet!

Yep, I've decided that Valentine's Day is a bad day for a teacher to try to be on a diet. I got so many pieces of chocolate and other assorted candies that I lost count. I was good though. I only ate one piece of chocolate and a cupcake without the icing. Luckily, I was able to work out after school. That makes me feel somewhat better.

Speaking of working out..................I'm not quite as sore today. We did Pilates though and worked our abs a lot so I'm sure they will be screaming by morning. LOL My inner thighs are still sore too, but bearable. I will, however, be glad when this soreness goes away. I think we are going to take a break tomorrow. I think our bodies need it. At least I know mine does!!


chez bez said...

I love you. ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess so. Just work it extra hard. LOL … I’ll bet it was fun though.