Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Baby Fever


A good friend of mine had her baby today. She is just way too cute and it really makes me want another one. I love the sounds newborns make. I love their cries. I love to watch as they recognize a voice. I love the bond of breastfeeding. I miss all these things now that my 2 are no longer babies. Hopefully we can have our 3rd one soon. Honey?

Welcome to the world little Hallie Reece. I look forward to watching you grow.

1 comment:

Nina said...

Isn't it odd how no matter how many babies a mother has had, the newborn can throw her back to those motherly emotions and make her long for another child? Even if she or the husband is fixed - it just happens. Newborns are the best. I love how they smell, especially right after a bath and a good lathering of baby lotion. Yum!