Saturday, August 19, 2006

The 80s are back?

I just have one question........................Didn't these people learn ANYTHING from our fashion mistakes? While out grocery shopping today I saw a couple teenagers wearing short denim skirts with leggings. It was like stepping back in time and not pretty! What next? Leg warmers and off the shoulder shirts? Parachute pants? Looking back at some of the things we used to wear as teenagers I have to wonder what the heck we were thinking! Now the music was good, but the clothing fads were scary!!


Trying2BMe said...

I don't know, I prefer the 80s fashions to the 70s. Big girls were NEVER meant to wear hip-huggers. I could go back to the minis with leggings and scrunch socks and patent leather "witch" shoes.

As for the music, love the 80s, but nothing is scarier than Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister :D

Vickie said...

Actually, leg warmers did start making a comeback (last year, I think.) Saw it in a couple STYLE mags and such. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Of all the past fashion trends, that's got to be one of the worst!