Sunday, April 01, 2007


He cut her hair!!!! Luckily you have to look closely to even notice, but OMG!!! He cut so freakin' much of it. I have 2 pics to share. The first one is just the stuff I got off of her and out of her hair just by running my hands through it. The second is with the other that I found when I went into the living room and kitchen.

I'm sure I'll be able to tell more when I wash her hair tonight. If it is more noticeable I will post her pic later.


Leesa said...

Oh my gosh.. too funny. Or, maybe not ;)
I remember when I cut my own bangs once..all the way up.. I think my mom had about had a stroke!

Beth said...

OMG Hailey done that to herself once when she was 3 and she had never had her hair cut. I cried and cried.