Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I'm in 2 year old hell!!

The terrible twos have kicked in full force just in time for him to turn three!! What is up with that? He should be getting out of the terrible twos, right? I mean, he is turning 3 on Friday. Maybe it's just because I am home all day since school is out and he is bored because he doesn't have all his friends from daycare to play with, but he is driving me nuts. He doesn't get his way........he cries/screams/whines. He takes every since toy his sister is playing with away from her. He protests naps and bedtime with the same crying/screaming/whining. His sister even thinks about touching a toy or sippy cup he deems is "his" and he screams. He doesn't listen when we tell him something. He screams "NO!!" to us. We've done time out on the stairs and in his room and yes we have even spanked him. Nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any ideas on how to survive this stage or how to change the behavior? I'm at a loss and about to pull my hair out!


Beth said...

Run..LOL, just kidding. I know what boat you're in. When Stephanie was diagnoised with ADHD we did behavioral therapy with her. You learn alot. The best response we got was with a reward system. If she was good she got a star on her chart, when she acted up or out, she lost one. Now she's almost 10, grounding her from things work out too. Good luck!!

Sharon Collie said...

They don't call them the "Threatening Threes" for nothing...then, you have the "Frightening Fours" to look forward to. After that, they get lots of fun and then they hit puberty and the fun ends.