Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Has it really been a week?

Wow, I can't believe it's really been a week since I last posted. I guess that means that there isn't much going on in my life at the moment.

Actually, that isn't true. We close on our house on Friday which means we are packing up the house and the kids and moving. I've been pretty busy trying to get things packed up around here. I hate moving. I think I hate the packing and unpacking the most. Well, I guess I hate the moving of all our stuff too. LOL Heck, I just hate the whole process. I swear I was the one who said that the next time we moved we were hiring movers to come pack, move, and unpack! Um, that didn't happen. I probably won't update for another week or so since I have so much work to do. I do, however, take breaks to play on the computer! I'll be checking in with everyone.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Not for sure whether to say congrats or I am sorry. How about Congrats on your house and sorry for all the hassle..LOL.