Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Brotherly Love
He really does love her! We were at the playground here at the apartments and he was concerned about her falling out of the swing. He had to make sure she was properly buckled in.

Monday, March 26, 2007
Goodbye Pacman?
I figure he will be gone this week. He is being charged in the shooting (not as the shooter) case in Las Vegas. The charges are coercion which is a felony and threat and battery charges which are misdemeanors. This is on top of the 2 felony charges he faces in Georgia. I figure this will be the last straw for the Titans. Wonder how the NFL will deal with it? The owners are meeting with the new commissioner this week and one of the things they will discuss is tougher consequences for players who get into trouble with the law. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.
It is really a sad situation when a great player like Pacman cannot get his life straight off the field.
It is really a sad situation when a great player like Pacman cannot get his life straight off the field.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I'm home! (this is long!!)
This post could have so many titles.
1. I hate traffic!
2. I'm exhausted!
3. Did I mention I was going on vacation?
You get the idea.
Sorry I didn't mention that I was going on vacation. I thought about it after I left. LOL Hope all my readers didn't abandon me thinking I had disappeared. ;-)
Well, we are finally home. It took us 2 1/2-3 hours longer to get here than it should have though. We got stuck in Atlanta traffic. Not once, but twice!! You could really say 3 times, but going through downtown we didn't ever completely stop. On the south side we were about 30 miles outside of Atlanta when the traffic started backing up. I'm still waiting on someone to explain to me how going from 3 lanes to 5 lanes causes a back up. It never fails though. Traffic always gets backed up starting at the 75/675 split. Then it backs up for miles and miles. My thought is that if idiot drivers would just stay in their lanes and DRIVE it wouldn't happen!! Then on the north side they are doing construction and you lose a lane at 2 points so the extra traffic of spring breakers going home really had it backed up too. I don't usually get in bad traffic on the north side so I wasn't expecting it. I was past frustrated at that point.
We had a wonderful time on vacation though. We didn't do much. It was kinda cool with the wind coming off the ocean to spend much time at the beach with the kids, but we went to the play park (that's what the kids call it) everyday. They really loved that. In the afternoons we would go to Aunt Mimi's house to play outside or play in Namma's play park. One afternoon we went shopping. Well, I didn't buy anything, but Namma bought the kids several new summer outfits. Then we went out for seafood. I was able to get my crab leg fix! That is always nice! One night Aunt Mimi cooked us a wonderful roast for dinner. She even had strawberry shortcake for dessert. I don't think I've ever seen my kids eat so much!! On Friday my nephews came over and we all went to the zoo. Let me just say that the Jacksonville Zoo is great!! It's huge and has some of the best animals. We got to see lions, camels, huge alligators, and gorillas. I love the gorilla! He was huge and he was kinda interacting with the people. They have them so that you can be on the same level with only glass separating you. It's pretty cool!! We went to dinner on Friday evening for Namma's birthday and that's when Uncle Payne showed up. Joshua loves Uncle Payne, but Ari isn't so sure. She was really shy and reserved with him all night and the next morning. She did finally give him a hug and kiss as we were leaving though. I hope she gets over that soon. He wants to play with her so bad. I think it's the facial hair that has her freaked out. She is the same way with my dad who has a beard.
I was able to have lunch with a friend from high school. It was great to see him. Maybe next time we can chat for longer.
Even though we didn't do a lot it was a great vacation. Very relaxing. We missed Michael though. And Georgia. The whole way home the kids keep telling me that they wanted to see Daddy. When he opened the van door once we got home Ari just giggled and giggled repeating "Daddy!!" It was pretty cute.
I guess I'm famous now (well, maybe just here in Nashville. LOL)! While I was gone Brittney over at NIT (that's Nashville is Talking for all my non-Nashville readers) linked to me (it is the Bon Jovi post). Wonder how she ever knew I liked Jon Bon Jovi? No really, how did she know? Wonder what else she has learned about me from my blog? LOL
Anyway, it's good to be home. Sleeping in my own bed last night was heaven!! LOL I think the kids were happy to be back in their beds too. Joshua slept an hour later than he did all week and Ari slept 2 hours later. I got to sleep in too. My wonderful husband got up with them this morning.
Now we are off to the park. I hope everyone had a great week and didn't miss me too much! ;-)
1. I hate traffic!
2. I'm exhausted!
3. Did I mention I was going on vacation?
You get the idea.
Sorry I didn't mention that I was going on vacation. I thought about it after I left. LOL Hope all my readers didn't abandon me thinking I had disappeared. ;-)
Well, we are finally home. It took us 2 1/2-3 hours longer to get here than it should have though. We got stuck in Atlanta traffic. Not once, but twice!! You could really say 3 times, but going through downtown we didn't ever completely stop. On the south side we were about 30 miles outside of Atlanta when the traffic started backing up. I'm still waiting on someone to explain to me how going from 3 lanes to 5 lanes causes a back up. It never fails though. Traffic always gets backed up starting at the 75/675 split. Then it backs up for miles and miles. My thought is that if idiot drivers would just stay in their lanes and DRIVE it wouldn't happen!! Then on the north side they are doing construction and you lose a lane at 2 points so the extra traffic of spring breakers going home really had it backed up too. I don't usually get in bad traffic on the north side so I wasn't expecting it. I was past frustrated at that point.
We had a wonderful time on vacation though. We didn't do much. It was kinda cool with the wind coming off the ocean to spend much time at the beach with the kids, but we went to the play park (that's what the kids call it) everyday. They really loved that. In the afternoons we would go to Aunt Mimi's house to play outside or play in Namma's play park. One afternoon we went shopping. Well, I didn't buy anything, but Namma bought the kids several new summer outfits. Then we went out for seafood. I was able to get my crab leg fix! That is always nice! One night Aunt Mimi cooked us a wonderful roast for dinner. She even had strawberry shortcake for dessert. I don't think I've ever seen my kids eat so much!! On Friday my nephews came over and we all went to the zoo. Let me just say that the Jacksonville Zoo is great!! It's huge and has some of the best animals. We got to see lions, camels, huge alligators, and gorillas. I love the gorilla! He was huge and he was kinda interacting with the people. They have them so that you can be on the same level with only glass separating you. It's pretty cool!! We went to dinner on Friday evening for Namma's birthday and that's when Uncle Payne showed up. Joshua loves Uncle Payne, but Ari isn't so sure. She was really shy and reserved with him all night and the next morning. She did finally give him a hug and kiss as we were leaving though. I hope she gets over that soon. He wants to play with her so bad. I think it's the facial hair that has her freaked out. She is the same way with my dad who has a beard.
I was able to have lunch with a friend from high school. It was great to see him. Maybe next time we can chat for longer.
Even though we didn't do a lot it was a great vacation. Very relaxing. We missed Michael though. And Georgia. The whole way home the kids keep telling me that they wanted to see Daddy. When he opened the van door once we got home Ari just giggled and giggled repeating "Daddy!!" It was pretty cute.
I guess I'm famous now (well, maybe just here in Nashville. LOL)! While I was gone Brittney over at NIT (that's Nashville is Talking for all my non-Nashville readers) linked to me (it is the Bon Jovi post). Wonder how she ever knew I liked Jon Bon Jovi? No really, how did she know? Wonder what else she has learned about me from my blog? LOL
Anyway, it's good to be home. Sleeping in my own bed last night was heaven!! LOL I think the kids were happy to be back in their beds too. Joshua slept an hour later than he did all week and Ari slept 2 hours later. I got to sleep in too. My wonderful husband got up with them this morning.
Now we are off to the park. I hope everyone had a great week and didn't miss me too much! ;-)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
My poor Georgia Girl

I took her to the vet today for a routine booster and then I wanted them to look at her paws. She's really been licking on them and has all 4 looking pretty bad. Well, they gave me some antibiotic pills (pills? Did they have to give pills?) for her to take and then a spray to put on her paws. Do you know how hard it is to get her to take pills? I've tried the whole peanut butter and cheese thing. She still spits the pill out. I have to shove it down her throat and that is never fun. She looks at me like I am the worst human in the world. Then I have to spray her paws and that just seems to add insult to injury. *sigh* She won't come anywhere near me at the moment and I completely messed up her nice peaceful night. I was going to put her flea and tick stuff on her tonight too, but I think I'll wait on that until tomorrow. She has been irritated enough for now.
I did it........so what do you think?
I got my hair colored. I've never gotten it done before either. I can no longer say that it is my natural color. LOL I'm not sure what I think yet though. I think it is too red around my face and then the back and underneath doesn't look like it is changed all that much. *sigh* Please ignore that I have no make up on in either of these pics. I'm also thinking that we could have gotten the lighting better.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Why is it......
Why is it that when a kid takes a late nap that kid refuses to go to bed later? I swear they only slept for maybe 30 minutes on the way home from Daddy's today and that was at the beginning of the trip home. They played hard outside all day so you would think that even with just a 30 minute nap they would still be exhausted. Nope. It is almost 11pm and neither of them went to sleep until 10:30pm. I'm completely exhausted. Do you think since they went to bed so late they will sleep in tomorrow? I'm not holding my breath. *sigh*
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Wish me luck!!
Ari is in big girl underwear today. I've decided to do the potty training thing for real this time. I'm on Spring Break for 2 weeks so this first week we will be in big girl underwear all day unless we go out and when we get to FL next week we will try it and see how it goes. She has already gone pee on the potty this morning so things are looking okay. Yes, I know that we will have many accidents this week, but it's a start. LOL At least I am doing laundry today!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Yep, you guessed it
Not much going on in the world of UGAgrad. Today was the last day of school before Spring Break. WOOHOO!! Now I have 2 weeks of doing whatever I feel like doing and sleeping later than 5:30am (hopefully, if the kids cooperate). I do have quite the "to do" list for next week before we leave for Florida. Want to see it? Of course you do!! ;-)
1. Hair cuts for both kids (I'm thinking of a cut and color for myself as well). (Kids DONE and mine DONE)
2. Georgia has to go to the vet. (DONE)
3. Fix the hydraulic thingys on the back door of the van (anyone know of a good cheap mechanic?). (Nope, didn't happen. Parts had to be ordered and not in before we leave.)
4. Clean the house. (This didn't work out......Michael will get this job while we are gone.)
5. Wash the clothes right before trip. (DONE)
6. Pack (DONE)
7. Buy a battery for my watch (it died last night and I walked around with it on my wrist all day today anyway.). (DONE)
8. Find my workout tapes for home. (DONE)
9. Manicure, pedicure, and massage for me. (DONE w/o the massage *sigh*)
10. Clean Joshua's old car seat so I can take it to my cousin. (DONE)
11. Laundry (DONE)
12. Go to Daddy's (we still haven't done Christmas with them.......how bad is that?). (DONE)
13. Clean out the van so all the crap........ummmmmmmm I mean useful items will fit for our trip. (DONE)
14. Find time everyday to work out. (This didn't work out like I had hoped)
15. Make dentist appts for the kids. (DONE)
16. Oil change for the van. (DONE)
I'm sure there are other things that I will think of along the way, but I'm feeling a tad bit overwhelmed at the moment so I'll stop now. LOL
As for the weight loss thing. I've finally passed the 6 lb mark. I was stuck there for a couple weeks. Maybe even three. I weighed in this morning and I'm down 8 lbs. Now that being said, I probably gained those 2 frustrating pounds back tonight when we went to dinner. We had Mexican. I have to say though that I can tell I've been eating less. I couldn't eat anywhere near as much as usual. I didn't come close to finishing my plate.
1. Hair cuts for both kids (I'm thinking of a cut and color for myself as well). (Kids DONE and mine DONE)
2. Georgia has to go to the vet. (DONE)
3. Fix the hydraulic thingys on the back door of the van (anyone know of a good cheap mechanic?). (Nope, didn't happen. Parts had to be ordered and not in before we leave.)
4. Clean the house. (This didn't work out......Michael will get this job while we are gone.)
5. Wash the clothes right before trip. (DONE)
6. Pack (DONE)
7. Buy a battery for my watch (it died last night and I walked around with it on my wrist all day today anyway.). (DONE)
8. Find my workout tapes for home. (DONE)
9. Manicure, pedicure, and massage for me. (DONE w/o the massage *sigh*)
10. Clean Joshua's old car seat so I can take it to my cousin. (DONE)
11. Laundry (DONE)
12. Go to Daddy's (we still haven't done Christmas with them.......how bad is that?). (DONE)
13. Clean out the van so all the crap........ummmmmmmm I mean useful items will fit for our trip. (DONE)
14. Find time everyday to work out. (This didn't work out like I had hoped)
15. Make dentist appts for the kids. (DONE)
16. Oil change for the van. (DONE)
I'm sure there are other things that I will think of along the way, but I'm feeling a tad bit overwhelmed at the moment so I'll stop now. LOL
As for the weight loss thing. I've finally passed the 6 lb mark. I was stuck there for a couple weeks. Maybe even three. I weighed in this morning and I'm down 8 lbs. Now that being said, I probably gained those 2 frustrating pounds back tonight when we went to dinner. We had Mexican. I have to say though that I can tell I've been eating less. I couldn't eat anywhere near as much as usual. I didn't come close to finishing my plate.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
I had a feeling it would happen, but........
I'm not happy about it. Drew Bennett is no longer a Titan. All through the season I kept saying that he wasn't playing up to his potential (he missed a lot of balls that he would normally catch) and that I didn't think he would be around next year. Seems that I was right. He has signed with the Rams. This makes me sad. He was one of my favorite players. I guess I should be happy that he didn't go to the Ravens. LOL
I love baby showers
I just got home from my sister-in-law's baby shower. It was a lot of fun. We went to the Savannah Tea House for afternoon tea. The food was delicious and the company was fantastic. I always enjoy socializing with that group. There was lots of really cute baby stuff to look through. Makes me catch baby fever though. LOL I can't wait until Evan and Ashley's little one arrives. Maybe holding a new baby will hold me over until we decide if we are actually having another one or if I have to learn to live with not having another. *sigh*
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Severe weather threat
We dismissed from school 2 hours early today due to the severe weather threat. Luckily, we didn't get the bad weather they were expecting. It sounds like it all hit south of us. A small town in Alabama was hit pretty hard and at least 15 high school students were killed when the ceiling of their school collapsed. This is not only sad, but scary. We tell our students that one of the safest places they can be during weather like that is at school because they are so sturdily built. I know it's true, but having that happen scares me for myself and for my 2 kids since they are in a school building as well and I'm sure if my students hear about it they will freak out the next time we have bad weather. It will just add another hat to the many I wear as a teacher, I guess.
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