Monday, November 07, 2005

Ugh! Sick whiny 2 year olds will drive you nuts!!

Okay, the terrible twos are one thing, but add to that sick terrible twos and just stand back! Joshua has this really nasty cough and he has been running a fever for 3 days. This makes for one whiny little boy! Every little thing that doesn't go his way is multiplied by 1000 tears. Any small bump on the head is a major ordeal. Forget sharing his toys with Ari. He flat out refuses to let her play with anything. He either goes to take it away or comes to me and says, "Look Momma! Ari got Joshua's toy! Whine. Whine. Whine." He is addicted to Noggin (Dora, Diego, Little Bear, and Mrs. Spider). He whines and cries if he can't watch it.

I want my giggly happy boy back! I sure hope this illness runs it's course soon.

1 comment:

admin said...

Poor baby!! I hope he feels better soon!! If it's any consulation...Falyn still treats Faith like that. LOL ;)