I'm just a little on the ticked off side right now. I just watched my beloved Georgia Bulldogs lose the the Florida Gators. Ranked 4th and we still can't beat them? WTH? Yes, we were without DJ Shockley, but we still should have beat them. We missed 2 makeable (is that a word?) field goals that would have actually won the game for us. I am so sick of losing to this damn team. The Dawgs seem to have a mental block where the Gators are concerned. Michael rolls his eyes everytime I say that, but how else can you explain it? I mean really, are they the better team this year? No. Don't get me wrong, they have beat us in the past with better teams and those losses, while hard to take, do not make me angry. When we are clearly the better team I get furious when we lose to them. It is getting pretty ridiculous. At least we are still ahead in the SEC East. Knocking on wood, hoping that I didn't just jinx our games against Auburn and Kentucky.
Regardless of the loss, I still love my Dawgs. I'll be sitting in front of the tv in 2 weeks cheering them on again. I just hope we have Shockley back and can pull out a win against Auburn and Kentucky.